Corporate Social Responsibility Wing

Under the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, Gulf Alliance affirms on contributing positively to the economic, social, and environmental aspects of Pakistani society. Gulf Alliance’s CSR Wing mainly focuses on

  • Ensuring a safe workplace environment for employees
  • Organizing charity events and making donations
  • Training youth under the internship program
  • Hosting fitness events
  • Organizing clean-up campaigns
  • Promoting national athletic talent


Hike To Health

Gulf Alliance Fitness Club visited Trail 03, to enjoy an unusual day with work-friends and boost energy. As per Corporate Social Responsibility, our team is volunteering for a clean-up campaign, to create awareness for littering in public places.


Internship Program

Gulf Alliance believes in serving back the community by providing essential training to the youth to help in shaping a brighter future for them. This internship program will enable the internees to develop the skills required for working in the corporate sector.

Donations and Charity

Gulf Alliance believes in promoting harmony, equality, and happiness for those who are somehow unable to make ends meets. Therefore, to help those in need, we are contributing to the noble deeds. We are also promoting the acts of kindness to make other competent citizens realize their responsibility of helping to uplift the deserving class of our country.